Monday, October 26, 2009

mothering america

I would like to start off, by just apologizing, for not keeping up with my blogs... It makes it difficult sometime, because I don't have a computer of my own. They're just too expensive, and I don't have the funds, and I'm not in Mass Media very much. Although, I am going to try my hardest not to miss another one. It's like out of sight, out of mind. I enjoy writing, a lot, but sometimes it's hard for me to relate to some of the stuff we talk about in class, I want to be more involved, and participate, and talk out loud. I think that meeting in the house, with our groups is easier to communicate and say things that are on my mind, it's just more "homey".

I was reading the article Mothering and the Family part seven just a few minutes ago, and I have to say that times definitely have changed. I feel like now there are more stay at home dad's, then there are mom's, based on the statistics, that there are more women in the work force nowadays. And, have you seen that Kleenex commercial. It's like this new campaign, called "Get Mommed." It's talking about virtual moms, and how Kleenex relates, or something like that? It's kind of strange. The commercial shows this older boy, he's probably 18 or 19 I would say, and every time he makes a mess, or something it shows this woman, who looks like a mother, and she goes to wipe his face, or something, and before she can do that, he gets up... Then, he'll go to another house, and the woman is always a different race, or too young to be his mother, I don't know how to explain it, but the trend keeps happening. Sorry if this makes absolutely no sense. The point I'm trying to make, is that even though things have definitely change, everyone else stills sees women as a housewife. It's like, it's comfortable for them to see them this way. It defines our nation, and puts them in this category.

Monday, October 5, 2009

More than a pretty face.

I hardly did anything this weekend... Caught up on a television show that I'm watching on DVD, (the O.C.) I think I may do my essay over an episode of that show. I just wanted to take some time to relax, and settle into this weather. I really have missed fall. I was sitting out on the balcony earlier this evening, thinking about class tomorrow, and it dawned on me that I had not written my blog yet. I'm such a procrastinator sometimes. But I was thinking back on the article about the models, I believe it was Article 10, part 3. How they referred to them as being paper dolls. It amazes me how much everyone takes models, or women in general for granted. They're more than just a pretty face, or a nice body. They shouldn't be viewed like something that can just be tossed aside, or disregarded. Like someone in our class said, I think it was Kiel, that we all do what we're passionate about, and they chose this profession, there for they know what it's going to be like... But that may not all be entirely true. Yeah, sure they might like the idea of being model, maybe they've heard it their entire life, because people found them to be beautiful, and girls idolized them for it, and felt inadequate because so and so from the football team, preferred the head cheerleader, instead of the girl in the marching band. I might be getting a little off subject here, but it could also have something to do with Taylor Swift playing, haha. Either way, America's Next Top Model was on, and it made me think of that article, and how sometimes I wonder if it's all staged? It's hard to believe TV anymore.